Ve dnech 9.-11. října 2001 se na Slovensku ve Staré Lesné konala mezinárodní konference 150 let meteorologické služby ve střední Evropě, při níž bylo také vzpomenuto šedesát let činnosti observatoří na Skalnatém plese a Lomnickém štítě a padesát let aerologie v Popradu-Gánovcích, kde se konala na závěr exkurze. Jednání proběhlo ve čtyřech půldenních sekcích. Účastníky byly odborníci ze Slovenska, Česka, Polska, Maďarska, Estonska, Íránu a Kolumbie, přičemž poslední dva pracují aktuálně ve střední Evropě. Každý účastník obdržel brožuru s abstrakty přednášek a posterů a také CD-ROM s plným zněním příspěvků. Tento je také zájemcům k dispozici v základní knihovně ČHMÚ-SIS. V této informaci jsou uvedeny názvy příspěvků:
- Acosta, M. - Janouš, D. - Marek, M. V.: The influence of temperature on Norway spruce woodytissue respiration.
- Alexandrov, V.: Climate change impact on water use of maize in Bulgaria.
- Alexandrov, V - Eitzinger, J.: Potential climate change impact on winter wheat and spring barley in Austria.
- Bakowski, R.: Deformation of air flow over the Polish Carpathians Mountains.
- Bálint, G. - Albert, K. - Imecs, Z. - Kósa, E. R. - Mika, J.: Regional changes of precipitation in the Alpine and Carpathian regions with respect to global warming.
- Bielec, Z.: Thunderstorms occurrence in Poland in the different stability of atmosphere.
- Bochníček, O.: Snow cover height drop modelling and drop prediction.
- Braslavská, O.: Phenological events part of climatological monitoring.
- Brázdil, R. - Písek, J. - Luterbacher, J. - Tolasz, R. - Květoň, V.: Fluctuations of extremely cold and warm months in the Czech Republic during the period of instrumental records and their relation to the atmospheric circulation.
- Chmelík, M.: 50 Years of upperair observations in Slovakia.
- Chmelík, M.: Temperature changes in upper atmosphere over Poprad-Gánovce station (1961-2000).
- Faško, P.- Handžák, Š. - Šťastný, P.: Fifty years of atmospheric precipitation measurement by totalizers in the Tatras.
- Fišák, J. - Řezáčová, D. - Eliáš, V. - Tesař, M. - Weignerová, V.: Measurement of fog/cloud and rime water chemistry at Milešovka and Churáňov stations.
- Gera, M. - Mašek, J.: Influence of mountains Malé Karpaty to meteorological flow fields.
- Halenka, T.: On the sensitivity of ETA model to orography parametrization.
- Halenka, T.: Use of regional climatological model for improvement of climate change impact estimation.
- Havránková, K. - Hurtalová, T. - Janouš, D.: Deformation of air flow in the air layer affected by spruce forest stand.
- Havránková, K. - Šalanská, P - Pokorný, R. - Matejka, F: (Evapo)transpiration of the Norway spruce stand: comparison of the model, eddy covariation and sap flow measurements.
- Hesek, F: Modelling of the air pollution from the road traffic.
- Hurtalová, T. - Matejka, F.- Janouš, D. - Rožnovský, J.: Parametrization of dependence of the zero plane displacement and roughness length on air flow above a young spruce forest.
- Huth, R.-Metelka, L. - Kliegrová, S. - Sedlák, P - Kyselý, J. - Mládek, R. - Halenka, T. - Kalvová, J.: Regional climate model ALADIN CLIMATE - a tool for regionalization of climate change estimates in Central Europe: first results.
- Janouch, M.: Monitoring of UV radiation in the Czech Republic.
- Kolář, M.: Multidimensional statistic analysis of air pollution with SO2 in Brno.
- Kostka, Z. - Holko, L.: Expected impact of climate change on snow cover in a small mountain catchment.
- Kowanetz, L. - Trepinska, J.: Using of meteorological series in the investigation of climate fluctuations.
- Kyselý, J. - Huth, R.: Extreme temperature events in Central Europe: are climatic models able to reproduce them?
- Kullmann, E. - Poórová, J.: Evaluation of water amount in the border region of Morava River
- Lapin, M.: Possible impacts of climate change in the other sectors than agriculture, forestry and water cycle in Slovakia.
- Laštovička, J.: Impacts of climate change on the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
- Litynska, Z. - Kois, B.: The statistical characteristics and trends of temperature, humidity and ozone profiles over Legionowo.
- Matejka, F. - Rožnovský, J. - Chalupníková, B.- Hurtalová, T.: Interrelations between a maize stand and atmosphere.
- Melo, M.: Climate change scenarios according to CCCM 2000 model for Hurbanovo.
- Mika, J. - Kim, B. J. - Cho, C. H.: Classification of diurnal precipitation patterns in Korea
- Mika, J.: Physical concepts and statistical methods for regional climate scenarios.
- Mišaga, O. - Lukačko, J.: Technical support survey of upperair observations at station Poprad-Gánovce.
- Nagy, J.: Atmospheric observation activity in Hungary.
- Nagy, Z.: The automatic surface meteorological network of Hungary.
- Nekovář, J. - Lipina, P.: Evaluation of selected long-term climatological series in Central Europe.
- Nieplová, E. - Šťastný, P: Variability and trends in annual and seasonal mean air temperature in Slovakia.
- Niklus, I.: Dependence of diffuse radiation on cloudiness and ground surface conditions in Estonia
- Petrovič, P.: Research evaporation stations in the Water Research Institute.
- Pishvaei, M.R.: Seasonality in precipitation time series over Slovakia regions.
- Podhorský, D.: Development of international technical standards from the viewpoint of climatic changes.
- Pribullová, A. - Mišaga, O.: Calibration and stability checking of the UV-radiometer network of the SHMI.
- Prošek, P.: UV-B radiation at the King George Island (South Shetlands) between 1993 and 1998.
- Rožnovský, J.: Climatic conditions at Bílý Kříž, Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains.
- Rožnovský, J. - Hurtalová, T. - Matějka, F. - Janouš, D.: Transmission of water vapour between a spruce stand and boundary air layer.
- Sedlák, P - Havránková, K.: Flux footprint estimation for the current measurements above the Bílý Kříž spruce stand.
- Shumova, N.: An assessment of local heterogeneity in distribution of spring soil water storage over agricultural fields in the forest-steppe and steppe zones.
- Sládek, I. - Križan, P.: Methods of determination of the date of start and end of drought spells.
- Skřivánková, P.: Aerological measurements in the Czech Republic (Goals, Results and Cooperation with the Aerological Station Poprad-Gánovce).
- Smolen, F.- Ostrožlík, M.: Portion of water vapour emissivity to the total atmospheric emissivity.
- Snopková, Z.: Cloudiness and sunshine duration in Zvolen basin.
- Šalanská, P - Pokorný, R.: Sap flux of the Norway spruce stand in relation to the global radiation.
- Toman, F.: Envisaged impact of climate change on water erosion processes.
- Vaniček, K.: Consistency of the long-term measurements of total ozone in Europe.
Jiří Nekovář, MZ 2002/1, ročník 55, str. 27-28